Episode Guide
Episode #127 with the Globe Theatre
Episode #126 with Lore Ruschiensky from Cecilian Chamber Series
Episode #125 with Kay Peacy from Slick Business
Episode #124 with Marc Toews from Gateway Web AR
Episode #123 with Sherry Pratt from Sherry Pratt Health Coaching
Episode #122 with Aaron Strauss from Cache Tactical Supply
Episode #121 with Cedric Delavaud from Ludoland Regina
Episode #120 with Jasmine Patterson from BDC
Episode #119 with Jeff Harmel from Realty Executives Diversified Realty
Episode #118 with Shahzad Khoja from IBITS
Episode #117 with Kathy Sabo from QC Gifts
Episode #116 with Andrea Lo from the Toronto Dating Hub
Episode #115 with Karey Kapell from Next Level Coaching
Episode #114 with Joel Sopp from Socially Acceptable Marketing
Episode #113 with Annabel Townsend from The Penny University
Episode #112 with Cathlyn Melvin about her Tedx Coaching
Episode #111 with Corey Liebrecht from Zippity Zip Courier
Episode #110 with Quinn Nikulak from Kustom Kitties Canada
Episode #109 with Tess Boehm from Totally Tess Tradeshows
Episode #108 with Shane Chapman from the Ultimate Deck Shop
Episode #107 with Dan Celis from Tommy's Speakeatery
Episode #106 with Ann Corcoran
Episode #105 with Louise Yates & Jennifer Berg
Episode #104 with Jule Gilchrist from Cuppa'T Teas
Episode #103 with Annika Mang from TrailCollectiv
Episode #102 with Ronley Arnold from OSI-CAN Sask
Episode #101 with Susan Robertson from Susan Robertson Pottery
Episode #100 with Victor Roman from the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation
Episode #99 with Faith Alyssa Peter from Stressed Out Mamas
Episode #98 with Leah Mazur from Carousel Creative
Episode #97 with Carmen Johanson and Kimberley Baldwin from PayTrail
Episode #96 with Meg Casebolt from Love at First Search
Episode #95 with Karen Kobussen from CanBall Games
Episode #94 with Wilson Acton
Episode #93 with Carla Browne from Real Property Management Canada
Episode #92 with Donna Ziegler from South Sask Community Foundation
Episode #91 with Scott Love from Store to Door Canada
Episode #90 with Mark Heise from Rebellion Brewing
Episode #89 with Brendan McGuire from Affinity Credit Union
Episode #88 with Tyler Clark form Prairie Benefits Solutions
Episode #87 with Craig Reed from Virtus Group
Episode #86 with Daria Malin from Boost Strategic Coaching
Episode #85 with Bill Thorn form Regina Humane Society
Episode #84 with John Vuong from Local SEO Search
Episode #83 with Linda Boryski from Saskatoon PhysioYoga
Episode #82 with Tracey Poffenroth Prato from RAD Talk with Tracey
Episode #81 with Janet Kotylak, YWCA Woman of Distinction
Episode #80 Your Ultimate Guide to Get Found with Local SEO
Episode #79 with Jennifer Fox from Auto Electric Service
Episode #78 with Janet Akre and Susan Robertson from River & Rail ArtVenture
Episode #77 with Karen Smith from Better Business Bureau of Saskatchewan
Episode #76 with Julie Naismith from SubThreshold Training
Episode #75 with Josh Haugerud from Regina Folk Festival
Episode #74 with Barb Stefanyshyn-Cote from Black Fox Farm and Distillery
Episode #73 with Cory Furman from Furman IP
Episode #72 with Tracy Archer from Knight Archer Insurance
Episode #71 with Tim Nickel from Fifth Business Consulting
Episode #70 with Taylor Weisgerber from Spartan Mechanical
Episode #69 with Lisa McIntyre from The Optical Shoppe
Episode #68 with Santa Claus
Episode #67 with Kait Waugh from Fat Plant Farm
Episode #66 with Natasha Vandenhurk from Three Farmers Foods
Episode #65 with Dianne Beauchamp from PuroClean Regina
Episode #64 with Adele Buettner from AgriBiz Communications
Episode #63 with Mary Weimer from Conexus Credit Union
Episode #62 with Winter Fedyk from Silo Strategy
Episode #61 with Heather Day from C.S. Day Transport & YWCA Women of Distinction Nominee
Episode #60 with Amber Goodwyn from Regina Folk Festival & YWCA Women of Distinction Nominee
Episode #59 with Cari Bode from South Country Equipment & YWCA Women of Distinction Nominee
Episode #58 with Donna-Rae Crooks from Brain Snacks Co & YWCA Women of Distinction Nominee
Episode #57 with Michelle Grodecki from Deaf Crows Collective & YWCA Women of Distinction Nominee
Episode #56 with Sarah Tkachuk from KPMG & YWCA Women of Distinction Nominee
Episode #55 with Dr. Sharon Leibel, YWCA Women of Distinction Nominee
Episode #54 with Doug Yaremko from Paddock Wood Brewery
Episode #53 with Madhu Kumar, YWCA Women of Distinction Nominee
Episode #52 with Eric Oelson from Mortise & Tenon Store
Episode #51 with Kim Korven from The Gentle Way Divorce
Episode #50 with Erin Vaughan from Kinetic Auto Service
Episode #49 with Lisa Brice from Brice Photography
Episode #48 with Colleen Strauch from Luther College at U of R
Episode #47 with Doug Pattison from Pattison Health
Episode #46 with Erika Gayle from Erika Gayle Photography
Episode #45 with Carly Patryluk from House of Paws Pet Boutique
Episode #44 with Erin Caleval from Erin & Associates Insurance
Episode #43 Part #2 with Nikki Jacquin from Nikki's Portraits of Childhood
Episode #43 Part #1 with Jess Tiefenbach from Stay n Play Parenting
Episode #42 with Nadene Joy from Nadene Joy
Episode #41 with Richard Arockiasamy and Sanjana Kumta from GreenMache
Episode #40 with Jodi Barrett, CEO of Kettlebell Kickboxing Canada
Episode #39 with Erin Kinder from Kinder Surprises Antiques
Episode #38 with Tanner Goetz from Munz Media
Episode #37 with Jessica McNaughton from memoryKPR
Episode #36 with Wendy Turner-Larsen from Turner Larsen Consulting
Episode #35 with Jill Poulton from Transformational Leadership
Episode #34 with Janci Templeman from Walker Wakefield
Episode #33 with Denise Anderson, Author, Divorce in a Small Town
Episode #32 with Anne Gibbons from Gibbons Travel Consulting
Episode #31 with Charlene SanJenko from PowHERhouse Media
Episode #30 with Dr. Vianne Timmons from the University of Regina
Episode #29 with Margaret Kisikaw-Piyesis, from All Nations Hope Network & YWCA Woman of Distinction
Episode 28 with Dr. Renatta Varma, Vitreo-Retinal Surgeon & YWCA Woman of Distinction
Episode 27 with Jo-Anne Dusel from PATHS & YWCA Woman of Distinction
Episode 26 with Dr. Emily Bamforth from Royal Saskatchewan Museum & YWCA Woman of Distinction
Episode 25 with Nigora Yulyakshieva from City of Regina & YWCA Woman of Distinction
Episode 24 with Pam Klein from Phoenix Group & Miriam Johnson from Saskatchewan Roughriders
Episode 23 with Gr. 5 & 6 Students from Argyle School
Episode 22 with Tiffany Wolf from Helium Communications
Episode 21 with Jeff Kinash from Peregrine Farm
Episode 20 with Charlene Oancia from Springer & Oake
Episode 19 with Dan Benesh from BarterPay Regina
Episode 18 with Prabha Mitchell from WESK
Episode 17 with Terrie Dunand from REMAX Crown Real Estate
Episode 16 with Kim Zacaruk from Stone’s Throw Coffee Collective
Episode 15 with Luke Rossmo from Luke Rossmo Music and Gareth Bawden from Bawdenmedia.com
Episode 14 with Kristen Hill from Kristen’s Cultures
Episode 13 with Cyndie Knorr from Cynergy Coaching
Episode 12 with Paul Burch from EchoLotto Inc.
Episode 11 with Rea Faber from Amaranth Designs
Episode 10 with Brandi Good from BLG Business Solutions
Episode 9 with Dr. Gina Grandy from Hill | Levene Schools of Business
Episode 8 with Candyce Fiessel from The Style Academy and Shear Escape Salon and Spa
Episode 7 with Michelle Strawford from Bella Chic Fashion & Decor and What Women Want
Episode 6 with Jordan McFarlen from Conexus Business Incubator
Episode 5 with Cheryl Giambattista from Health Coach Cheryl
Episode 4 with Joanne Frederick from Prairie Centre for Mindfulness
Episode 3 with John Hopkins and Amanda Baker, Regina Chamber of Commerce
Episode 2 with Christina Carlson from Queen City Collective
Episode 1 with Sherry Knight from Dimension 11
Charlene SanJenko is the founder and energy behind PowHERhouse Media, a national leadership accelerator born in 2000 out of a desire to provide a clear, direct framework for a leader’s path.
Episode 31 is not available at this time.
Barb McGrath 0:02
You are listening to a CJ tr podcast.
Barb McGrath 0:09
Welcome to The Secret Life of entrepreneurs on 91.3 FM CJ tr, vagina community radio. Stay tuned to meet today’s guest and hear their story of what makes them tick. What drives them to succeed and their role in growing a thriving business community. The Secret Life of entrepreneurs chronicles the success and secrets of locally owned businesses and owners. Listen in live as we discuss their secrets and learn how they are making a positive impact in their community. You’re listening to your host, Barb McGrath, business leader, entrepreneur and founder of the get found on Google program. Let’s get started. Oh, I am so excited about today’s show. Our guest today is Charlene San Jenko, a powerhouse literally, at PowHERhouse Media, who will talk about her story, the western Canadian accelerator happening in Regina next week, and the momentum that we’re seeing in this community. Welcome Charlene. I hope you can hear that she’s joining us from Vancouver. Sunny Vancouver today. Charlene is rainy in Vancouver today.
Charlene San Jenko 1:32
And it’s sunny Vancouver. It’s sunny in Vancouver today. Excellent.
Barb McGrath 1:38
Oh, that’s exciting to hear. That doesn’t happen all that often for you, does it?
Charlene San Jenko 1:45
Fall can be either way. Right? When September starts, then. Yeah, the fall can be either way. So we’re grateful for a sunny day, that’s for sure.
Barb McGrath 1:55
Oh, that’s wonderful. Charlene, you. Let’s start off. Tell us a little bit about yourself. We’re going to spend a lot of time today talking about the accelerator. So tell us about cherlene.
Charlene San Jenko 2:07
Oh, gosh, well, and thank you so much for the invite to be here today. I am. I’m a former athlete, former competitive coach. I’ve always been drawn to strong women in leadership positions. I’ve always been drawn to strong women.
I’m a former politician here in my community for seven years and former corporate, very corporate professional national marketing manager within the investment services industry. I’m proud to say that I have been a social entrepreneur, since long before the term social entrepreneur and innovator and impactor were thrown around. So since 2000, I’ve actually actually been on the entrepreneurial journey with my own business that you mentioned, PowHerhouse Media.
Barb McGrath 3:06
Excellent. So it draws some of the parallels having been both a coach and athlete and now an entrepreneur, draw me some of those parallels, because I can certainly see them myself.
Charlene San Jenko 3:18
Oh, yeah, I think I’ve always deeply believed and, and, you know, you’ll hear my story at the accelerator, but I deeply believe that life is a gift. And so in all aspects of what I’ve done, in, in my experience, so life of life, so far, I’ve always been driven to help people to to turn up, like turn up the volume and turn up the tap, turn up the fire, that is their life. And so sometimes that is helping people to feel better about themselves and the vehicles in which they operate in their bodies, and more energy and more strength and more confidence. Sometimes that is within their businesses, helping them feel clearer and bolder and braver. And, you know, most recently, I’d say for the last, you know, the last decade or or more I’ve really seen it just taking that next level of what does it look to, you know, when to live and lead at, you know, from a from a stronger place from a place of being bolder and braver and just what that potential look like if we turned up how we how we lead in our everyday lives a little more. And so those are the threads of you know how it’s all pulled together for me. Just really getting people to enjoy the holistic experience of life.
Barb McGrath 4:57
Well, you know, I really love the term you use to help people turn up the volume. Now, I think you’re very focused on supporting women. And one of the things, I think I may have seen it on your Facebook page, but one of the terms that I read was creating heroes, as opposed to creating leaders. And there’s numerous opportunities out there for leadership development. And in fact, you know, I don’t know if it matters, how many leadership development opportunities there are, there’s probably never enough. But I loved that phrase that you use, and, you know, turning up the volume creating heroes, where did that come from? How did that evolve?
Charlene San Jenko 5:40
It actually has evolved as I’ve been working on my own story and my own book, and and just, it’s really where I’m at right now. I do believe that, where we’re at, in, in, in Canada, in Western Canada, in Canada, in the world, that Tom, that we actually need more heroes, we don’t need more leaders. And to me, a hero is someone who is brave, who’s brave to make tough decisions, who’s brave enough to take action, who’s brave enough to speak up and say what needs to be said. And I, for me, it’s just up leveling, again, back to what would it look like if we were what if we all lived from a place of being brave and being a hero in our everyday life, and how we put ourselves out there and how we took care of our families and how we contributed to our communities. And I do think that the words we choose to use are so important. And that’s why I’ve decided to actually talk about heroes, even more than even Obviously, I’m still talking about leadership. But what could it look like if we reimagined it just a little bit?
Barb McGrath 7:12
Yeah, exactly. Sure. You know, and I think one of the reasons that heroes stood out for me is many of the things that you just described. But even as kids, we understand the concept of hero. And, you know, I don’t think there’s too many young kids out there nowadays who don’t have a hero or don’t want to be a superhero. And I would argue, even as adults, while we wouldn’t use the terminology, there’s a lot of times in our life that we find ourselves, trying to be superheroes, we’re trying to do it all. We’re trying to have it all. And I think the way you’re using the term, it’s a much more gentle use of the term. So we want to be heroes, but we want to be heroes, where it matters and where it counts, as opposed to, you know, trying to do it all and trying to have it all. Would that be a fair summary?
Charlene San Jenko 8:05
Very much so because again, I think my focus is not so much in the doing but in being in the being. So I look at heroes, and I, I’ve always just craved being more brave in my life, ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be more brave, because I knew, I knew I wanted to do something big with my life, as I think a lot of young kids, you know, they want to do something big. And that when you want to do something big, that requires you to be brave. And it’s so for me, it’s certainly not in the doing. But I actually think that action, action naturally arises when we allow it to, we want to focus on and on our state of our being and just let that let the action arise. That is, you know, going to build momentum and take us to the next step forward. I mean, to tie it into what’s going on, you know, even at a bigger level to tie it back to in your province in your city and in your province. You know, people have asked me about the accelerator. And you know, it’s interesting that in Saskatchewan, and you’re actually based out of BC and I, I will tell anyone that will listen that there is great momentum, energy and action arising out of Saskatchewan right now. And as a result of that, that that that’s where we want to be that’s where we want to play where we want to be where people are craving, higher levels of leadership craving higher levels of excellence in how they take care of their, their bodies, their lives, their careers, their families, their communities. And if we can be a part of that, like, if we could actually help to be a bit of a catalyst for that, then that’s where we want to be. Sure. That’s just fantastic. So
Barb McGrath 10:16
Let’s use that as a segue to start to talk about the accelerator that happens here in Regina, next week. So many of our listeners will not have heard about the accelerator. So tell us about the accelerator, and then we can start to talk about some of the sessions that will happen.
Charlene San Jenko 10:32
Yeah, thank you, that’s great. Um, the accelerator is just that, it’s an accelerator, it’s a chance to come together for one day, for two days, or for three days, between September 25, and 27th, in Medina, at a friend’s place. And the whole purpose of the accelerator is, again, to get the call out with a call out to like minded leaders who are interested to convene for a period of time for three days, three consecutive days, and I think you know, if there is a power in, in being consecutive. And, you know, it’s the purpose of it, it’s for its immersive growth, and impact, it’s, you know, we want to bring you in, we’re gonna help to, you know, supercharge your path, your purpose, your performance, as a Canadian leader, as a leader in your community, in your province in your country. And of course, that means something different to every person. And that’s great. Like you might be coming because you want to supercharge your, your path as a parent, right now, as has you show up, you know, in your relationships and with your kids with your community. Great. Like we, we know that you will find value and learning and connection through what we are preparing for a combination of different types of events, workshops, keynote speakers, breakout sessions, interactive discussions, at your tables, exercises, receptions, there’s something for everyone. And like I said, you can kind of pick and choose, if you can’t make it through, you know, for all three days, which I personally feel you’ll get the most impact from, that real immersive experience. But then come for one day, you know, come for come for an afternoon, if that’s what you can fit into your schedule. That’s why we’ve created it this way.
Barb McGrath 12:45
Yeah, exactly. You know, this is the third year that you’ve held an event in Regina in the fall, is that right? That is correct. Yeah. And so when I look back at the momentum that you have been able to build each year a little bit bigger, a little bit broader, more inclusive, more opportunities, more learning. It’s really fascinating for me to just watch how, you know, what started as a core group of entrepreneurs getting together having these conversations has turned into something that, you know, I think, at the provincial level, we’re really seeing some momentum happening behind it. And the list of speakers that you have coming next week is, you know, pretty impressive. Maybe you want to mention just a few of the speakers that are coming in and talk a little bit about what they might say.
Charlene San Jenko 13:38
Yeah, yeah, thank you. I certainly will have a great group of speakers coming in, we’ve definitely tried to be very inclusive. And and and you have a very diverse group of speakers from different areas of expertise and industries. And I think where they come together is around passion about what we’re talking about, you know, about higher levels of living and leading and excellence as people. I’ll mention a few names. I’ll start with our keynote speakers. We actually are kicking off our Thursday, September 26, which is our full conference day. We’re lucky enough in the morning to have the minister, minister Tina beaudry. Miller will be actually welcoming us to the day where we’re excited to have her being a part of our accelerator in a few different ways. And that morning, co presenting, which is going to be phenomenal, is Miriam Johnson and Pam Klein, who I understand we’re on your show and yeah, and thank you for that. They’re actually going to be kicking off our morning talking about the playing field, believe it or not, it’s kind of neat that we’re at every plays and Miriam’s a part of the the roughriders, we’re going to be talking about the playing field as values based leaders and what that you know what that means what that means to us. And I will, I’ll be talking about the leader path. And it’s a process, it’s a concept that is proprietary to power house, it’s basically talking about advancing and excelling and fully appreciating leadership with a very clear and direct progressive path, much like you would if you were an athlete, so we talk a lot about advancing women in leadership and mobilizing women. But we don’t often talk about the really clear direct path as to how to do that. And because we want to talk about a little bit of strategy around that, and and visioning around that. The neat thing about the day is, in the afternoon, we flipped a little bit, and we have two phenomenal male speakers who are going to be presenting in the afternoon and one speaker is Tom Watson. He’s a very, very well known philanthropist, customer service expert. He’s won numerous humanitarian awards. Tom’s passion is really called your better life. And so he’s going to talk a lot about the mission. What’s your mission? Your why as a leader, and how does that shine through? I think we all can agree that if we are clear on our mission, it builds more meaning into every single day. Wow. And, and I think, you know, like, it goes back to your comment about trying to do it all. And I think, you know, as entrepreneurs and as leaders, we always have these long, long, you know, to do lists, but, and we get them done. You know, we’re action takers, so we get them done. So I’m more interested now in, I don’t need anyone to, you know, help me figure out how to get things done. I want to find out how to get things done. It is enjoyable and fulfilling and fun as possible, right? Like, I want the experience to be super fulfilling, as well as getting it done.
And actually finalizes on Thursday with a special guest speaker. It’s his first time to see scotchman Believe it or not, and I’m super excited to welcome Mark Marshall eight. Now. Gobbo is his last name. And Mark is a First Nations social impact entrepreneur from Ottawa. And his company is called birch bark coffee. And he has an incredible story. He has an incredible passion around providing a solution to First Nations communities in Canada, and the clean water supply through the sale of his coffee. Well, he’s just a really, really cool, cool man, cool entrepreneur, cool leader. And he’s going to be talking a lot about legacy. And obviously, he’s very passionate about legacy and what the legacy that he’s leaving. And he also wants us to, you know, to be thinking about that as well as leaders and our legacy moving forward. So that’s, that’s just like a snippet. And that’s just one day. And that was just one day.
Barb McGrath 19:13
Yeah, exactly. Surely, it sounds like an incredible event. And I’m just going to jump in here quickly with a bit of a station message. And I’m going to give you a sneak peek into the question that I’m coming back with. So you have a moment to think while I’m talking. Okay. When we come back, of course on the Secret Life of entrepreneurs I really try and focus on as leaders, what are the what are your secrets? What do you wish you had known when you got started? Of course, you know now. So think about that just for a moment. And I want to tell all of our listeners today about an exciting event that starts on Friday here at the station. If you’re a regular station listener, you already know that on an annual basis, the station does a radio THON to raise money for a variety of different things. So this year is great. Thawne is going to kick off on September 20. And we are certainly looking for your financial support. Being radio. Of course no one ever sees where we’re sitting, what we’re doing, things like that. And, you know, I almost wish sometimes that folks could see into the station because community radio provides such value to our community. And, you know, there’s a number of things around the station that we’ve set a goal to try and raise $16,500 so that we can make some of the station upgrades that are needed. So then we can move to having podcasts available for listeners and have that on demand service. So this year, for everyone who is pledging $25 or more, you will get a chance to win gift certificates from a number of different CJ tr sponsors. And if in fact you donate $50 $100, or even $150, then you also get a bonus gift. So if you’d like to check out some of the details, you can visit the website at cJ tr.tv. forward slash donate. That’s cJ tr.ca. Slash donate. We would love it if you could help CG CJ tr be available on demand. I will try that whole sentence again. We would love it if you could help CJ tr be available on demand by donating during the radio fun 2019. Starting this Friday, September 20. Your financial support is really vital to CJ trs future growth and future success. So just like the accelerator next week will help many leaders across our province grow. Your donation can help CJ tr grow. Sure if you’re not familiar with that event, it’s a fantastic event. There’s all sorts of fun social media during the week, there’s an event that wraps up on Friday, it’s a ton of fun. So you may hear me talk about it a few times next week while we’re at the event as well.
So let’s segue back into sharp secrets. What’s in that typical trunk of yours? What do you wish you had known before? Well, no one when you got started that of course you know, you know now and you’ve learned the lessons?
Charlene San Jenko 22:24
I love the question. Thank you so much. I think that what I wish I had known then and I’m going to say then is you know perhaps in my early 20s is everything that I’m very, very specifically and intentionally creating now. That would be that the leader path is the process I really want to convey to younger leaders, and my passion is younger female leaders. But I bet that younger leaders overall that there really is. Although success looks you know differently for everyone, there really is a path, a strategic way to move forward as a leader towards your goals in much the same way that an athlete moves forward down a specific path to reach his or her goals. And I don’t know that those lessons or learnings or principles have been pulled over in a really clear way. And when we take a look at how far an exciting and fulfilling sport is for us and you know how far sport has really come in the last you know, a few decades. I think there’s a lot of really great analogies to learn. So I’ll just give you a couple of examples of that for the listeners. There’s a few really key principles of the leader path The first one is see it I believe that if we if we can see it, we can be it and it alcohol I’ll use young Bianca who has just won the US tennis open right you know what is nominal when that was he there’s there’s young tennis players across Canada that have renewed hope and passion and possibility around what is possible in their sport. And the same can be shown in leadership, which is why I love to showcase and amplify as many positive leaders in different industries in different positions doing different things as possible because I want to show what is possible by literally using media. That’s online or at an event, you’re literally using media to show what’s possible. The second, the second piece would be before we, you know, start running in the doing is really, to build a deep, deep level of commitment and conviction around what our goals are. Much like athletes, we, there is a certain, just a real level of commitment and conviction. If we were training for the 2024 Olympics in Paris, there’s a certain level, you know, really, really deep level of conviction and commitment, which I think to be quite honest with you is very, very tied very closely to the level of fulfillment you get through the process of getting there. So I really want leaders to understand that young leaders understand that a lot of the fun that we get out of an experience is actually directly related to how committed we are to that experience and occurrences that gets us there. So one of the ways that we do that is actually through speaking about it. There’s no better way than to heighten someone’s commitment to something then to have them talk about it, and especially to happen to talk about it publicly.
Barb McGrath 26:32
Absolutely. So absolutely. Sure. We’re almost out of time. We’ve got about a minute or 90 seconds left. Can you let everyone know, if they’re interested in more information about the accelerator or powerhouse? Where did they find that information online?
Charlene San Jenko 26:49
Yeah, the best way to reach us is through our website. Everything is on there. And it is powherhouse.com. Now you have to remember to spell out the H er. So it’s p o w. h er, h o u s e.com. And everything’s there on our website.
Barb McGrath 27:08
Yeah. And it’s a fantastic website. I’ve been there a number of times. There’s a mailing list and there are some podcasts, there are learning opportunities for leaders. I would highly recommend the event to anyone, whether you’re an entrepreneur, a business leader, a corporate leader, there is something at the accelerator for absolutely everyone, most definitely. All right, folks, well, we are just about at a time. So I would like to thank everyone for tuning in today to listen to the Secret Life of entrepreneurs. And char, I want to thank you for joining me today. We did a couple of tests to make sure that this was gonna work by phone, because of course, she’s still out in Vancouver. But powHerhouse media is quickly becoming a powerhouse in and of themselves. The momentum behind the organization behind what you are doing is just incredible. So thank you for joining me today and talking, you know a little bit about your own history, your secrets, and the event that’s coming up. So that’s all fantastic. I will be back here on October 2, with Anne Gibbons. And who knows maybe Anne will be joining us next week as well at the accelerator. And if you’re listening today, hopefully we see you next week. And is the owner of a business called Gibbons Travel Consulting. And she’s going to come in and talk a little bit about her story. And she’s going to talk about the pitfalls of planning your vacation online, which I know a number of people do nowadays. So you know, one of the things that I learned from Anne was it’s not always less expensive to plan your vacation online. As soon as you bump into any problems on your vacation, you’re really stuck. So Ann’s going to talk a little bit about her business and how she’s growing her business right now. If anyone out there would like to be a guest on the show. They are welcome to email me at barb@googlegirl.ca or reach out on Instagram and Facebook. So just a reminder, you can even submit a question in advance of the live show on our Facebook page. I’m your host Barb McGrath, local business owner and Google girl. Remember, you worked hard for your success. Don’t keep it a secret. Bye for now.